Saturday, April 15, 2006

Scarecrows Takin' a Break

Scarecrow Exhibits at a NYS County Fair, 1997 or 1998

On one of many trips upstate to visit the Happy Mortons, my ex's parents, we took a day trip to enjoy a NYS county fair (I've no idea which county now). There I came upon these two happy fellows as well as some farm animals with shockingly large balls and a contest for best looking rooster (Ye-haw!). My favorite attraction, as always, was the large county-wide garage sale going on in the fields there. A good time was had by all.

Technical Note: The slide this was scanned from says May 1998 on it. However, the vegetation surrounding the scarecrows tells me it must be fall (very perceptive, Sherlock). So were these pictures taken during Autumn 1997 or Spring 1998. Logic says it was probably 1997. As always... does anybody out there know when these particular scarecrows were on display? Of course not!

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